Playing the Trump Card

I am trying out this blogging thing.  Seems to be all the rage.  I am going to aim for a fairly frequent posting schedule, but we’ll see how that goes.  I thought today would be a good day to roll out a blog as it is Friday the 13th.  That’s a good day for murder-mystery/thriller writers I think.  This is where the random creepy crap happens, right?  At least that is the lore.  That’s my Trump Card, capitalizing on the lore of the day.  Couldn’t hurt.  Days like today are kind of inspiring to me.  Working on my latest book, Sweet Child of Mine, where I am venturing into the paranormal, fitting for the day I feel.  I have fallen off my schedule a bit.  I had planned on completing two chapters this month, but haven’t gotten very far with chapter 3.  My outline is staring me in the face though, so I got that going for me.  I am starting to get into more of the creepier parts now in the story.  It’s a bit early in the book, but wanted to tease you guys along.  Again, that is the plan.  I may change it up as I start typing.  I typically try to stay true to my outline.  My writing is a bit organic in that when I start going, the characters tend to want to tell the story a bit differently than my notes.  I try to keep them in line, and for the most part they behave, but every now and again, they throw a line out there that makes me stray a bit. Thankfully it is never too far from the plan.

Speaking of plans, my blogging plan is slated for a weekly endeavor.  I will try to keep to that schedule and post some sort of updates or talk about some planned events.  I do have an event next Saturday – the kickoff meeting for the Central Florida Chapter of Sisters In Crime.  I am trying to get a new chapter formed for those of us who cannot get to either of the chapter locations here in Florida.  There seems to be a lot of existing members in this neck of the woods that are interested already, so that is promising.  The SinC organization is not just for published authors, so if you are interested in learning about it and possibly joining, do check out their site ( or contact myself about it.

Well, this was just a quick blog to get me into the habit of doing one and to let you know that I should be doing one more often than before, which was never.  Do check out my Friday the 13th sale today only (go figure).  Both my paperbacks are on sale for $5.13 (I thought selling them for the calendar date would be my tie in).  Check out my Facebook site ( or my Twitter (@imkathleenlopez) for more details!

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